Our Marketing Experts

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Jess Bousa

Jess Bousa is the CEO of New Patient Digital. With over 15+ years of marketing experience, he has the vision and drive to help practices achieve their goals through digital marketing.

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Brandt Penuel

Brandt Penuel is our top Marketing Specialists at New Patient Digital. He leads our online advertising department, works on client strategies, and focuses on landing page marketing.

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Marta Finkelstein

Marta Finkelstein is another senior Graphic Designer with years of experience in content creation, graphic design, and photo/video editing. Marta loves helping clients achieve their vision and working towards their success.

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Delaney Wiggins

Delaney Wiggins is one of our Graphic Designers and Social Media Specialists. She has years of experience working with clients and producing content that they love.

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Jessica Rice

Jessica Rice is our team’s Operations Manager. She helps coordinate client relations, special projects, and communications through our organization.